miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Petition Letter

Dear Local Authorities from Cacultta,
I'm Victoria Berro and I am 13 years. I´m studying at Newlands school.
The city presents a lot of problems. The provision of services is one because the electricity; schools and hospitals are amounts of money that you spent on without thinking about the consumption. Another is the physical problems that consist of heavy rainfalls. This rain is brought by the tropical storms because of bad weather conditions.
On September 1, 2011 I talked about these problems to my partners and they told me that we can reduce the electricity by putting ecological bulbs. The following day we thought that in the streets we can make pipes for the water not to flood.
It is your obligation to do something about it
                                   Thank you for your attention 

Vicky Berro

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