martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Reserva Ecologica audio

Esto es un audio de una entrevista  en la "Reserva Ecològica / Costanera Sur" a Pablo Guìa de Turismo del lugar.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

El cambio del Rio de La Plata a partir de la invasiones inglesas

Las invasiones inglesas, que atacaron al Virreinato del Rio de La Plata a principios del siglo XIX, demostraron que las autoridades españolas eran inferiores frente a los ingleses y faltaba una fuerza militar para protegerlas. Debido a esto, la corona envio ejércitos para reforzar sus colonias y Liniers asumió la jefatura de armas. Tambien se modifico la administración de los recursos.

En la primera invasión inglesa en 1806,  el virrey Sobremonte viajo a Cordoba en busca de ayuda militar. Y en la segunda invasión inglesa en 1807 los españoles no se resistieron, y una junta de guerra convocada por Liniers lo destituyo. Se organizo la resistencia de los habitantes de Buenos Aires.

Los ingleses en Buenos Aires y en Montevideo, establecieron el Libre Comercio. Esto demostró a los habitantes las ventajas de este sistema, en contra del monopolio español. Como poder comerciar con los demás países y asi que las ventas suban, además le dieron menos importancia a la aduana para poder importar y exportar con mas facilidad, se redujeron los derechos que gravaban exportaciones de cuero.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Movie Review: Parent Trap

Hallie Parker and Annie James were two twins without even know it. Annie has never met her father, and Hallie has never met her mother. When they met in a camp, they discovered that they were twins sisters separated at birth by they parents. The main characters were Lindsay Lohan,in the movie name Hallie Parker and Annie James, the identical twins. Dennis Quaid, in the movie named Nicholas Parker that was the father of the twins. Natasha Richardson, that was named Elizabeth James, she was the mother of the two twins.
In our opinion, the movie is great. The plot of the movie is fantastic, we see it a lot of times, in the television. The movie attract us because is very funny and there are a good characters. This movie is different than other movies, because  Lindsay Lohan had the role of two characters, the twins, and in the movie you don´t realised about this. And because it interested us the plan that they made to change her personality, the way that one of the twins, Annie James, cut her hair and perforated her ears to look like Hallie Parker, her twin. So they can change the personality and nobady will know it.
I will include it in the top 100 because this movie is for all the ages, is a family movie. And is very well edited. It´s show the different cultures, the father lives in California in the country side and the mother in Londres in the city.

By: Victoria Berro and Belen Lombardero