miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Definition Essay

The word friendship is defined as the condition of sharing a friendly relationship. Also, it is the feeling and behaviour that exists between friends.
In our point of view, the value someone gives to another person is called FRIENDSHIP. An example is when you say to one person that he or she is his/her best friend.The other day I went with my friend to the cinema and we laugh a lot, jajaja, it was so funny.
If you have a bad day, or you feel nervous about something, you cannot be the same as when you were with your friend, so your friendship with the other person won´t be the same as before.
All in all, you have to be comfortable with your kind of friendship. It´s a lovely way to have a relation with your best friend.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

A terrible day

  It was a beautiful and a normal day like every day, Lucy went to visit her son Santiago to the hospital. He was in a hard situation. Two weeks before, it was Santiago's birthday; in the cake was a flare. When he went to blow the candels, a friend pushed him to the cake, so he burnt all his face.
  Every day Santiago was feeling hot, but one day he started to feel very hot and, some minutes later, his face exploded. When Lucy saw that, she said this to the doctors and they told her that Santiago was dead.
  Lucy went to Santiago's father's house to explain to him what happened. Santiago's father was called Pablo.
  When Lucy and Pablo went to Santiago's funeral, they were so sad that they didn't pay attention to acar that was un front of them. Soy they ctashed, and they died.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Petition Letter

Dear Local Authorities from Cacultta,
I'm Victoria Berro and I am 13 years. I´m studying at Newlands school.
The city presents a lot of problems. The provision of services is one because the electricity; schools and hospitals are amounts of money that you spent on without thinking about the consumption. Another is the physical problems that consist of heavy rainfalls. This rain is brought by the tropical storms because of bad weather conditions.
On September 1, 2011 I talked about these problems to my partners and they told me that we can reduce the electricity by putting ecological bulbs. The following day we thought that in the streets we can make pipes for the water not to flood.
It is your obligation to do something about it
                                   Thank you for your attention 

Vicky Berro

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011


 The CAP is the Common Agricultural Policy. This supports farming. And was developed in Europe in 1962. The CAP wanted to create a single market, make the European Community more self-sufficient, give financial support to EC farmers and increase the average field size and farmers income.
 The advantages are that they can obtain more money to buy new instruments, for example equipment, vehicles, field. Another advantage is that they can produce more because the space is bigger.
 The disadvantage is that for the ones who not accept CAP, they would have more hard work to do because they will not receive help.
 The conclusion is that there are more advantages than disadvantages, however, the disadvantages aren´t so negative.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

The best place of the Earth

 Last week I visited the National Park. Many people visit this place. I enjoyed a lot this mini-break. It was excellent!!!
 Some tourists visit the National Park for spiritual refreshments, while most of the present-day visitors seek a range of recreational activities. This park has valleys, lakes and mountains.
 I went to the National Park because of the sightseeing. This park is beautiful. I visited the landscapes, and I took a lot of photographs.
 In conclusion I recommend visiting the National Park because of all the sightseeing.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Volumen de los glaciares

Entre 1968 y 1975 hubo una pérdida anual promedio de 13.5 km3 
Entre 1995 y 2000 hubo una pérdida anual promedio de 38.7 km3
El Glaciar Perito Moreno aporta al Río Santa Cruz por fusión.
0,58+0.39= 0.97 km3
Una pileta de natación de 25 mts. x 10 mts. tiene un promedio de profundidad de 2 mts.
Volumen de agua= 25 mts. x 10mts. x 2 mts.= 500 mts3
7x 13.5 km3=94.5 km3
5x38.7 km3= 193.5 km3. La suma de estos dos números es de 288 km3
En 12 años (del 1968 al 1975 y 1995 al 2000) se perdió 288 km3
1 km3= 1000mts x 1000 mts x 1000 mts
1km3= 1000.000.000 km3
Volumen= mts3 equivale a 576.000.000 piletas.

Hielos continentales

En esta materia trabajamos sobre el agua potable, y sus características.Por ejemplo trabajamos sobre el agua  de mar y de río. Aprendimos que el agua de río tiene menos contenido de sal que el agua del mar, nos dimos cuenta que el agua de río provenia de lluvias, deshielos y nevadas y que sus componentes dependen de la salinidad y los minerales del suelo ya que el rio arrastra estos minerales.
Tambien aprendimos muchas cosas sobre el agua de mar, por ejemplo que este agua es el conjunto de la desembocadurade otros rios. y que esta compuesta por cloruro de sodio,de magnesio, Sulfato neutro desodios, cloruro de calcio, de potasio, entre otros.
Otra cosa que trabajamos es la relacion entre agua potable y agua bebible, y esta es que "cuando el agua es bebible quiere decir que es potable."

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Expedición Bicentenario y Los Hielos Continentales

 La expedición Bicentenatiro esta basada en los Hielos Continentales. Chicos de diferentes escuelas escribieron su sueño para que en el TRICENTENARIO, es decir, dentro de 100 años, lo abran y las personas que esten vivas lo puedan leer.
 Estos sueños fueron enterrados en el chalten, Bariloche. Un grupo de andinistas se encargó de que esten bien guardados.
 Nosotros, los chicos del Colegio Newlands, vivimos esta experiencia. Nos parecio genial la idea de enterrar nuestros sueños, es una idea fantática!
 En el mes de Abril, nos vino a dar una charla un andinista que vivió y estuvo en el viaje al Chaleten.
 Nos contó que tenía algunas de estas vestimentas, eran estacas, botas especiales para el hielo, una soga por si alguien se caia, lo pudieran sostener, y otras muchas cosas para el hielo. Este seños se llama Javier Madaraz que vino especialmente ara contarnos esta experiencia y algunas pautas por si tenemos ganas de visitar el lugar.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Report of the best ways of recruiting young peopole

The purpose of this report is to recommend the best ways of recruiting young people to the Nazi party.
Video games
I recommend giving teenagers computer games or play station games. Because they enjoy a lot this things. So I think we should give two games every two people.
Some teenagers like clothes more than the games. So I recommend making a survey to know the kind of clothes they wear. You can make uniforms with that kind of cloth.
Teenagers like clothes and video games. So my idea is to give a game every two people. Other idea is to make uniforms with the kind of clothing teenagers like. I think, if you follow my instructions the recruting of young people would be excellent.    

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


                                      A negative experience in Rio de Janeiro

Many people think that Rio de Janeiro is a paradise but I don´t think that, In my opinion Rio de Janeiro is a horrible place to go.

I went with my family to Rio because of vacatitons last year but I didn´t like it; I had a horrible experience there, because there was garbage, many people and I didn´t like the city.But I visted many places there and I stayed in a hotel, but then I took a plane to Buzios.

The good thing is that they are building new houses, but the question is, where they would put them?
In my opinion Rio is not a good place to go.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Expedicion Bicenterio - Hielos Continentales

Esta expedicion se hace en cumbres,desiertos, selvas, rios y llanura,todo alrededor de nuestro pais.Cargando con ellos capsulas que tienen nuestros compromisos y valores donde la entierran para que la generacion del tricentenario los puedan ver.
Han hecho 27 expediciones, una de las más interesantes fue la expedicion de los hielos continentales en el cual llevaron nuestros derechos, valores y sueños hacia esos hermosos paisajes de los que obtubieron espectaculares fotos.